Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Portland Marathon Photos (and a time!)

Last week the Portland Marathon website finally posted my finish time, which was a net time of 4:15:33. To prove that I actually did run and finish the race, there are numerous race photos of me on St. John's Bridge (about mile 17) and at the finish. Of course, combining that with the few recorded splits I have (start, 10K, and about 8.6 miles), there is an undocumented window of time...when I was on a bus? NO! I plugged through all 26.45 miles, I promise.

Here are a whole bunch of race pictures that I forked over good money for!

Never mind the time on the clock, obviously that was taken long before I approached the finish line!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

great pictures!! you sure did spend a lot :) congrats on the official finishing time!