Thursday, August 5, 2010

So, I ran.

After all my rationalizing and ultimate decision not to run today, I ran anyway. So how did this happen? Well, it started with the weather. Even though this was supposed to be the warmest day of the week, when I went outside it was actually quite mild, with a cool breeze. Perfect for running.

So when I got home I changed into running clothes and headed out for a short run. I started out with the Newtons, but after a block I just felt awkward, so I went home and changed into my Asics.

As usual, the first couple of miles were hard (I'm just not someone who can walk out the door and feel great), but eventually my legs lightened up and I was running mostly sub-10. After miles 1 and 2, the rest were all under 10 (if just barely--I had a lot of uphills--mile 5 was 9:59) and I hit six miles at just under an hour. I went on to finish at 6.3 miles in 1:02:48.

Then, as you can see, I got my mocha frappucino and walked home.

Now, laundry awaits.
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1 comment:

Pahla said...

I would have run for a mocha frappuchino, too. Well done!