Sunday, October 3, 2010

Pancakes and Bacon for Breakfast

Apparently last Sunday was National Pancake Day (as opposed to National Pancake Week in February), but I didn't know it. I did, however, decide a couple of days ago that I would make pancakes and bacon this Sunday (that is, today). Advance planning was necessary because I needed to buy the bacon and set aside the time for a luxury breakfast (meaning, a non-running day).

Today was certainly fine for a rest day. I did 17.5 miles on Friday and 10 yesterday, so a day off running was called for. I originally intended 18 or so on Friday, but got a late start and cut it to 16...which ended up as 17.5. You know how it goes. Yesterday I started out by doing 4.24 miles on my own, then joined up with a friend's running group for another 5.76. I was in a rush as I needed to take Rod to an appointment, so I rather rudely took off and left the rest behind in order to finish on time...even so I had to cut off a bit of distance. Ten was an okay total for the day anyway.

Since I've been playing nurse-companion to Rod I have had to stop tracking my food because it's too complicated to figure out the casseroles and such we've been eating (two separate lasagnes provided by co-workers). So I am having a fling with intuitive eating. It's not the best idea in the world for me, because more often than not my intuition tells me to have a cookie or a piece of chocolate! Luckily those urges have diminished as the stress of invalid care decreases (due to the invalid becoming more valid).

Still, my "diet," as such, has been a lot more carb/meat/sugar than I am accustomed to (the carbs and meat are due to feeding Rod, the sugar is almost all me, although he likes to have dessert). Somehow I cannot imagine feeding him my go-to meal of baked sweet potato with beans, plus several vegetables (e.g. beet chips, roasted squash, steamed or roasted broccoli or cauliflower, roasted eggplant, etc) and my ubiquitous sauteed spinach. He would eat any one or two of those items in a meal, but making a whole meal of them...perhaps not.

Amazingly, I haven't really gained any weight yet (at least not according to my one weigh-in a few days ago). Hopefully the fairly large volume of running I've maintained has helped combat the lasagne. And the pancakes with bacon....

The in-home care program will be ending soon with my departure for the Portland Half Marathon. I am starting to think about what I will do in Portland (running, not eating-wise). I can't say I've been feeling fast these days. But I plan to have two full rest days beforehand (Friday and Saturday), and we'll see what these legs can do!

1 comment:

Tina @GottaRunNow said...

Sounds like you've been training hard - lots of miles. Run fast in Portland! : )