Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Resolution Run

Resolution #1—Do not jump in the lake at the end of the Resolution Run (optional Trip & Drip) 5K.

Resolution accomplished.
But, me excluded, purportedly some 700 of the race entrants signed up for the Polar Bear portion of the event. A lot of bodies went into the water!

Luckily for them—and for all for us, actually—the weather cooperated as best it could on January 1. It didn't snow, it didn't even rain, and it wasn't particularly cold by the time the run started at about 10:40 a.m. I even felt a little too warmly dressed, stripping off my gloves halfway through the race and carrying them the rest of the way.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Wearing my new Skirtsports running pants (with skirt).

I'm sure the run was full of people who had stayed up late partying in the New Year last night. I wasn't one of them. The most exciting thing I did was read magazines and eat cookies. But for someone without a hangover, I felt surprisingly sluggish in the race. I was sure I was running unusually slowly.

So I was a bit surprised, but encouraged, when the person with a stopwatch called out nine minutes as I passed the 1-mile mark. 5K's are not my favorite length run—I like a longer run where you have a chance to warm up and hit your pace—so nine minutes for the first mile was not bad. Not all that sluggish after all.

I must have been running sort of hard because by the time I was in the last mile I was was breathing heavily (which I usually don't do running) and I was hot and sweaty (which doesn't happen so much in the winter). I could see by the clock as I approached the finish line that I was going to finish under 27 minutes, but once I did cross the line all my memory was wiped out and I had no idea what my time was (as I staggered off in search of water).

The chip times were posted later in the afternoon (fast!) and my official time was 26:17— a personal record for me in the 5K. Hurrah! Not too shabby. (Even if I didn't jump in the lake.)

Here are some of the early finishers going in and out of the lake!

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